Mexico City 19th century

Metodo Ceprosmex de Genealogia Aplicada. Indagacion, Sistematizacion y Exposicion de Resultados del caso mexicano, Gamboa Rocha

Family studies / Genealogy / Mexico History / Family / Autobiography / Biography / History of the Family / Cross-cultural autobiography / History of Colonial Mexico / 19th Century Mexican History / 19th Century Mexico / 20th Century Mexico / Memoir and Autobiography / US-Mexico Borderlands / Family history / Genealogia / Jewish genealogy / Family Tree / Biography and Life-Writing / Genealogical studies / Auto/biography / New Spain / Autobiography and Biography / Genealogical Research / Mormonism impact on Culture / Mexico City 19th century / Northern New Spain / New Spain, 17th Century / Heraldry and Family History / Genealogy-Family History / Historia y Genealogía / Autobiography and life writing studies / Spanish Migration / Historia I Genealogia / Family name research and genealogy, migration history / Sociology of the Family / Family Names / HISTORIA GENEALOGIA / Spanish migration to Mexico / new spain XVIth history / Sixteenth Century New Spain / Confraternities of XVIth Century New Spain / Federico Gamboa / The History of the Family / Contemporary Mexico / New Spain XVIII Century / XVI Century In New Spain / US - Mexico Borderlands; 19th Century Mexican History / XVIIIth century New Spain / Biography / History of the Family / Cross-cultural autobiography / History of Colonial Mexico / 19th Century Mexican History / 19th Century Mexico / 20th Century Mexico / Memoir and Autobiography / US-Mexico Borderlands / Family history / Genealogia / Jewish genealogy / Family Tree / Biography and Life-Writing / Genealogical studies / Auto/biography / New Spain / Autobiography and Biography / Genealogical Research / Mormonism impact on Culture / Mexico City 19th century / Northern New Spain / New Spain, 17th Century / Heraldry and Family History / Genealogy-Family History / Historia y Genealogía / Autobiography and life writing studies / Spanish Migration / Historia I Genealogia / Family name research and genealogy, migration history / Sociology of the Family / Family Names / HISTORIA GENEALOGIA / Spanish migration to Mexico / new spain XVIth history / Sixteenth Century New Spain / Confraternities of XVIth Century New Spain / Federico Gamboa / The History of the Family / Contemporary Mexico / New Spain XVIII Century / XVI Century In New Spain / US - Mexico Borderlands; 19th Century Mexican History / XVIIIth century New Spain

La ciudad: crecimiento urbano y población

Urban History / Central America and Mexico / Mexico History / Urbanism / 19th Century Mexico / Historia Social / Mexico / México / Historia Urbana / Mexico City / Historia política y social siglos XIX y XX / Mexico City 19th century / História Urbana / URBANISM MEXICO CITY / Historia de México / Historia De La Ciudad De Mexico / Historia Urbana de America Latina / historia urbana México / Ciudad de México / Historia Social / Mexico / México / Historia Urbana / Mexico City / Historia política y social siglos XIX y XX / Mexico City 19th century / História Urbana / URBANISM MEXICO CITY / Historia de México / Historia De La Ciudad De Mexico / Historia Urbana de America Latina / historia urbana México / Ciudad de México

Locura y criminalidad en el discurso médico porfiriano: el caso de Enrique Rode, 1888-1891, por JOSÉ ANTONIO MAYA GONZÁLEZ

History Of Madness And Psychiatry / Legitimation / Mexico City 19th century / Historia Social De La Locura / Degeneration / Legitimacion / Historia De La Psiquiatria Y La Locura / Legitimacion / Historia De La Psiquiatria Y La Locura
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